
Do You Know These Facts About Babies?

You should already know at least a little bit about babies. You already know that a baby will take some time to get to know you. Most people already know that babies are able to identify their mothers right after they have been born. You already understand that no two babies are going to develop at the same exact rate. Baby’s do not follow a pre-set schedule for milestones. You might be surprised to learn that there are plenty of other things to learn about child development and babies. A baby’s infancy is an amazing period of time. Even within the first few years of a person’s life there are millions of fascinating changes. Those little bodies might look like they can’t accomplish much but the fact is that those babies are working really hard to grow up!

Buying Baby Goods – try doing it online

Did you know that babies are not good at perceiving the differences in colors very well? A baby’s eyes are still developing when she is born and the synapses between and her eyes and her brain are not yet mature. The best colors you can use for your nursery and for your baby’s toys are primary colors, not pastels. Black and white as well as bolder colors like red and blue and green and yellow are best for babies. Pastels are better for adult eyes.

This is why a baby will sometimes choose one toy instead of another. This means that all of those black and white decorations that you scoff at (for various reasons) are actually better for your baby’s eyes than the pastel and soft colored decorations you were planning to use. Your baby will know how to swim when she is born (as well as how to hold her breath). It won’t be long before your baby forgets how to do these things. This is one of the reasons that water births are gaining in popularity. Swimming from the womb into life is supposed to make the transition of being born less traumatic for the infant. They believe that a “regular” birth in a brightly lit hospital room is far more traumatic for the baby and that it makes it harder for them to accept that they are no longer physically a part of their mothers.

Common knowledge states that babies don’t smile until long after they are born. Many people attribute a smiling mouth shape to gas if the baby is below a certain age. For more than a century people believed that smiling was an activity taught to babies by their parents. Crying seemed to be instinctual so everyone thought it was simply easier for babies to show when they were displeased and that expressing pleasure was something they had to be taught how to do. Now scientists have learned differently. Advances have been made in ultrasound technology and more parents are seeing images of their children smiling while they are still in utero. Many doctors are now able to print out pictures for families that show the new baby smiling before he or she is born. The belief now is that the birthing process is traumatic for the baby and that it takes a while for the baby to get over it and “learn” to smile again. Babies are really fun to learn about. There is no real proof that states just how babies learn the things they do or how long it takes them to learn those things. Babies are constantly growing and changing and watching them mature and develop is something everyone should experience.

Do you have a baby or plan on having one? Then baby gear Australia is great! There are many baby goods  and you canin Australia and you can buy them online within a click of the mouse.

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