
A Pregnancy Diet Plan for the Third Trimester

Your pregnancy diet plan will not change very much during the last three months. Chances are you have already eliminated or significantly reduced the amount of caffeine and other problem foods from your diet. You’ve already been taking your Omega-3 fatty acids and have taken a prenatal vitamin.

At this point, what is left to change in your diet? Are there any special foods to eat while pregnant that are particularly important at this point? During these last three months, the key issue is motivation.

As labor draws near, your size increases, your energy lowers, and it is difficult to find the motivation to maintain your healthy lifestyle. So try to stay focused on your and your baby’s special health needs while you are waiting on the birth of your baby.

Keep Exercising as Part of Your Pregnancy Diet Plan

More than any other action you can take, exercise will help keep you in shape for labor and the rigors of infant care. As your size increases and your baby shifts into place for labor, you may find it more difficult to bend freely. So find exercises you enjoy and ones that does not put strain on your joints.

water aerobics and swimming are both fantastic ways to get the exercise you need without placing stress on your body. Walking is always a good way to get exercise without taxing your body too much. Exercise is an essential supplement to your pregnancy diet plan, so find something easy to do and something you enjoy.

Rest as Often as You Need

During the final stages of pregnancy, you may find that getting enough rest is difficult. Your baby may be moving and your baby bump may make it difficult to find a comfortable resting position. If this is the case, invest in a body pillow, which wraps around your body and cradles your baby bump, giving you the support you need to make sleep possible.

If sleep eludes you, simply try rest and meditation. The more you try to force yourself to sleep, the more difficult you will find it to actually relax enough that you can fall asleep. Rest and meditation are viable ways to recharge your batteries without sleep, as well.

Hang Out with Friends

Now is the time to enjoy a girls’ night out, lunch with the ladies, or a pedicure party. Indulge in time with friends and family as often as you wish. You will want to reduce stress prior to having your baby.

It keeps you grounded and can help alleviate any anxiety you may have, as a supportive network of family can answer questions and concerns you may have about labor, especially if this is your first pregnancy.

Additionally, you may find it too difficult to find time away from home in the months immediately following your baby’s birth, so enjoy this time to socialize with your family.

Health Issues: Indigestion

Most health issues resolve are gone by the the trimeseter but indigestion is just getting started. This is caused by hormonal changes in the body that causes the uterus to relax; however, the digestive muscles also relax as well as the muscles that close the valve between the esophagus and the stomach.

As your baby snuggles deeper into your abdominal cavity, her weight will cause the stomach acids to back up your esophagus through this relaxed valve. The only thing that will change this situation is the birth of your baby, so all you can do is find ways to work with the problem. Eating papaya can help neutralize stomach acid. Another great solution is to sleep sitting up.

You should avoid all spicy, acidic, or vinegar-based foods from your pregnancy diet plan. All these foods can aggravate indigestion. An OB/GYN can prescribe medication if your indigestion is bothersome.

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