
How To Proceed When Baby Begins Taking Those Initial Steps

Every parent eagerly anticipates every new milestone that her child reaches. There is the normal elated shriek that your baby did this or that. The first time she rolls over, the first time she sits up, the first time she crawls, and then her first steps. As your baby becomes more and more active, as fascinating as it could possibly be, in addition to those baby steps come plenty of potential dangers.


Even as early as the crawling phase, your child is becoming incredibly mobile. You will end up going after after her as she races through the house on hands and knees. From there, she will begin taking her first steps. At first it will be while holding onto furnishings. This is called “cruising”. But soon your baby will start to dare to take a step or two without holding onto anything. As she gets more and more adept at this skill, she will continue to take more risks.


Whenever your baby is learning to walk, it is very important that she not use shoes. Bare feet are the best way for a child to discover how to take steps on her own, so she can maneuver her feet and utilize her toes. Be careful if your baby is taking her initial baby steps on a hard surface, such as tile.


Your baby’s first steps will be accompanied by a lot of falling down, so a soft surface is the best place for her to try out this newfound skill. Additionally, you will want to baby proof your home. As your baby gets much more mobile, he can quickly reach more things and regions of your home.


Consequently, it is essential that you simply cover all of your power outlets where your new baby can reach, lock all cleaning products as well as other toxins in a cupboard or move them out of baby’s reach, and, should you have stairs, put up gates so your child cannot climb up and/or fall down the stairs.


With these safety measures in place, you’ll be able to breathe easy as you watch your baby take each step.

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