
How To Soothe a Crying Baby

All babies cry, but the tears can take a devastating toll. If nothing you do seems to quiet your crying baby, don’t feel anxious or overwhelmed . What if there’s something wrong and you miss it completely? What if you lose command? Take heart in your power to care for your baby — and to recognize when you’re reaching the end of your rope.

When the tears won’t stop

It’s tough to listen to your baby cry. First, cover the basics. A crying baby might just need to be fed, burped or changed. Maybe it’s time for a nap, a change in position or a session in the rocking chair. Or possibly your crying baby needs a little more — or a little less — attention. Also look for signs of sickness, such as fever, puking, or changes in eating or sleeping patterns.

You have done your best to figure out why your baby is crying but the crying continues, do your best to stay calm.

Here’s help.

  • Slow down. Take a deep breath and count to 10 . Repeat a calm word or phrase, such as, “Take it easy.” Imagine yourself in a calm, relaxing place. Play soothing music in the backdrop.
  • Take a break. If you’re alone, put your baby in a safe place — such as the crib or bassinet. Let your baby cry while you take a few minutes to regroup in another room. Remember you are not failing your baby nor are you neglecting him or her if you can’t stop a crying spell . Sometimes babies simply need to cry.
  • Get moving. Put your baby in the stroller and take a brisk walk. You will be surprised as a change of scenery might curtail the tears . You might even buckle the baby into his or her car seat and take a brief drive.
  • Convey your emotions. When you’re getting frustrated, speak up. Saying the words out loud — either to yourself or to an understanding ally or loved one — can help ease the tension.
  • Ask for help. If someone is home with you, let them take over for a while . Take advantage of baby-sitting offers from trusted friends, neighbors or other close contacts. Use the time to take a nap or simply relax.
  • Recognize your limits. If you’re worried about your ability to cope with a crying baby, contact your doctor, a local crisis intervention service or a mental health help line for support. Post a crisis number on the refrigerator or in another visible spot.

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