
Interesting and Little Known Facts about Babies

Childhood development is fascinating. The way babies grow from a small ball of cells into fully functioning human beings boggles the brains of most people. There is more to being a baby than is immediately discernable. Cuteness is only a small part of being a baby! Nurturing and helping a child grow up involves meeting a very specific set of needs. Being a baby is far from simple. Good parents learn everything they can about how their children are developing, even in the early stages of infancy.

Even before a baby is born he is sensitive to light. The eyes are complicated devices that are made up of millions of nerves and fibers. The coordination needed for the eyes to function properly is extraordinary. It only takes a few months from conception to form working eyes. By about six months into your pregnancy your baby will be sensitive to light. Here’s something else about your baby’s eyes: if he is Caucasian he will be born with blue eyes but they might not stay that color! The blue color in your baby’s eyes will probably change if you are Caucasian. So do what you can not to let your heart get set on having a blue eyed child. They might change before you know it! All babies know how to hold their breath and how to swim when they are born. It won’t be long before your baby forgets how to do these things. Because of this, many early childhood experts recommend that women have water births. Because the baby spends the first few months of their lives basically swimming inside their mothers’ wombs, experts believe that giving birth in water helps to ease the transition. These experts say that being born into water helps ease the transition of birth and makes it less traumatic than the process they’d face by being born in a “traditional” hospital birth.

Your doctor will tell you to stay away from fish because it contains mercury but there are fish that are mercury free and they can be quite good for you. Eating salmon while you are pregnant is good because salmon is chock full of healthy nutrients for you and your baby and it does not contain mercury the way other types of fish do. It is believed that eating fish both improves the brain function of a fetus and sets them up for superior communication skills later in life and that women who do not eat fish will not be able to pass these things along to their children. This theory is still just that: a theory, so do not beat yourself up for neglecting your baby’s brain if you don’t eat fish, can’t eat fish or simply haven’t eaten that much fish during your pregnancy. Many people are fascinated by babies. Nobody really knows exactly how they learn or how quickly they learn it. The one thing everyone can agree on is just how quickly babies change and how amazing it is to watch them grow up.

Take care of your baby by developing your parenting skills today with this blog. They have many interesting tips that even experienced parents will benefit from.

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