
Options in Infertility cure

Infertility is a problem that affects the relationship in a marriage. Thankfully, scientific research and a modern review of ancient treatment have brought renewed hope in the field of infertility.

Clomid is one of the common drugs prescribed in most cases where irregular ovulation is the main cause of infertility. Common drugs used in this treatment are Clomiphene and Repronex. The intake of these drugs has resulted in a cure in around 40% of infertility cases. For men medication to increase sperm count, refraining from smoking etc are useful treatment.

In Vitro Fertilization is a revolutionary concept in infertility treatment where eggs are fertilized outside the body in an artificial environment before being re-introduced into the womb. The IVF clinics first test the ovarian reserve of the female through 3 FSH testing and antral follicle counts and then the ova is removed from the woman’s ovaries and are fertilised by sperm in a fluid medium. This fertilised egg called zygote is then injected back to the uterus with the prediction of a pregnancy.

Infertility cure may also involve surgical procedures in some cases. As a matter of fact surgery accounts in almost 90% of infertility cases. One common procedure is vasectomy reversal. This simple one hour surgery reopens the male reproductive tract and has a high success rate.

Many women with infertility condition suffer from fibroid growths. It s a condition in which endometrial looking cells proliferates in the ovaries and the outsides of the uterine cavity. Corrective surgery involves removing these fibrous tissues and this treatment also has a high success rate.

Age old treatment procedure involving herbs and dietary treatments have also proved effective in curing infertility. Root of Glycyrrhiza glabra also known as sweet root and garlic have great properties in enhancing reproductive capabilities. Another popular Ayurveda treatment suggest an intake of a concoction of powdered Banyan tree roots and milk at the end of your monthly cycle. A regular adherence to this treatment should give results within 6 months to one year. Yoga also has certain healing properties and has proved effective in infertility cure in some cases.

Good mental health and physical fitness is another prerequisite to ensure conception. Intake of proper drugs, required surgery, Ayurveda and a peaceful mind will ensure effective cure of infertility. It is important that you first get diagnosed by a proper medical expert before starting on any infertility cure treatment.

Let us also look at other issues as well as learning food to avoid during pregnancy

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