
Ouch! Cramping and Pregnancy

A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing stern pain is cramping is a sign of pregnancy. It often occurs in the leg or shoulder as a result of strain or chill. It causes temporary partial paralysis  of habitually or excessively used muscles. In pregnancy, spasmodic contractions of the uterus can be caused by the embryo implanting itself in the uterine lining.

In early pregnancy stage, implantation cramping can be experienced 8 – 10 days after ovulation. The stretching of the uterus as the body prepares to accommodate the baby can also cause cramping. The stretching of the  ligaments that supports the uterus is the one causing mild cramps. If cramping comes with spotting or haemorrhage, it may be a sign of miscarriage.

Ectopic pregnancy happens when the embryo implants itself outside the uterine walls . It is a dangerous condition that requires medical attention. Cramping accompanied of bleeding is a sign of ectopic pregnancy.

In later part of pregnancy, cramping may be experience because of what is named “round ligament pain”. The infamous round ligament pain could hit pregnant women in their second or third trimester. enlargement of the uterus can cause mild cramping.

Preterm labor which is normally stopped for the baby is yet too premature to proceed outside the womb. It happens when labors occur before the 37th week of pregnancy. Cramping, mild or severe diarrhea and back pain can all be indicators of preterm labor. Braxton Hicks contractions are the irregular intermittent contractions that happens during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. During labor, early labor cramping and back pain are common symptoms}.

Cramping can be prevented through regular exercise and adequate calcium intake. When cramping occurs, bring your toes towards you and massage the muscle. Self -care and remedies like dissolving  tablets of Magnesia Phosphorica 6x in a small glass of warm water is also effective.

To bring relief against backaches: practice good posture and utilize proper lifting techniques. You could try sleeping with your back on top of a pillow. Get comfortable with heat like hot bath, hot shower, hot pads and wear socks. Swimming and massage can also help. Put stretching as a daily routine.

Nothing beats good exercise and self discipline. Take good care of yourself and your baby. Make it a goal to make yourself healthy. A healthy mom will have a healthy baby.

Is cramping a sign of pregnancy? Know more about cases of pregnancy that could cause cramping and learn some stay-at-home remedies.