
Paternity Tests

A sure shot method to determine if an individual is the correct biological father of the child is paternity testing.Although mother’s involvement in such as test is recommended, it is not mandatory.Such paternity tests are now legalized and have government approval under certain circumstances in several countries across the globe. As a result they are becoming more and more popular.Such paternity tests ensure peace of mind in cases where doubt exists with regards to the father of the child.

Nowadays, DNA paternity tests have become extremely reliable with advancements in modern technology.They help directly or indirectly in resolving property disputes where identity of the child and the relationship with the father is in doubt.In such cases, the future of the entire family and their internal relationships are at stake, so such paternity tests are preceded with several counseling sessions.Many families have benefited from such tests as they are also helpful for resolving child swap issues in hospitals.DNA paternity tests are also required and have proved a great source of help for immigration and adoption purposes.

DNA paternity testing is a complex process, and hence the cost is slightly on the higher side.DNA samples from possible fathers are first collected for comparison with the offspring.The DNA samples are then digested and cut at specific sequence points by mixing them with a special enzyme.To separate different sized samples, the processed DNA sample is loaded on a gel base.The corresponding DNA bands are then matched with that of the father.The samples of the true father would be the only one that would match with the DNA bands. Thus, DNA paternity testing technique helps determine the uniquely existing father-child relationship.

Paternity DNA testing is gaining high popularity especially in the US.Every year, more than 200,000 DNA paternity tests are carried out.With a country comprising of 30% single mothers, with 15% cases having fathers which are not the actual biological ones, this is not unusual.In such circumstances, it is vital to carry out a paternity test to determine the true identity of a child, as father’s name always remains associated with the child.Consequently, most paternity tests are for direct or indirect financial reasons, or for social responsibility.A father is more likely to bind with the child and provide emotional and financial support to the child and the mother if his relationship with the child is genetically proved.Nowadays, you need not even involve doctors or lawyers for DNA paternity testing.