
Playing with Toys can Teach Kids Good Behavior

Kid’s toys are fun, but they also make wonderful rewards that can encourage your tike to behave better.  Toys can be used to teach important things like manners, using please and thank you, stopping phone interruptions and other general good conduct.  You’ll be very amazed about how powerful toys can be when used as encouragement.

Ways that Kid’s Toys can Be Used to Teach Good Behavior

The first step is writing your child’s name on a plastic cup.   Next, find three things such as pennies, rocks, marbles or toys and place them in a drawer.  When your child is spotted doing a good behavior, place one of the three items into the cup.

Let your child know that he’s earned 1 point for doing a good behavior then praise him for his good deed.   Remind him that if he earns 3 points a day he will earn play time with you.   When the day is over, let your child choose his favorite toy and decide how you’re going to play.   If getting 3 points is very easy, then consider boosting it to 5 or more to challenge your child to behave even better.  When you see your child’s behavior get better and better every day you’ll realize how adept playtime can be on encouraging good behavior.  

Use Roll Play with Kid’s Toys to Teach Your Child Manners

Get out your child’s favorite stuffed animal or doll to use as a tool for teaching good manners.   Start by writing a list of all the good manners you want your child to learn.   Include actions like table manners, when to say please and thank you, when to use Mrs. and Mr. and more.  You can teach your child what you feel is right, but it’s a smart ideal to write a list and practice until it sticks.

To teach table manners invite your child to bring his favorite doll to dinner.   Ask your child to place his doll in the correct sitting position. .  Then suggest that your child sits the same way.  Have your child place a napkin on his doll’s lap.  Ask your child what his doll should do if his mouth is full of food and he wants to talk, of if he needs an extra helping of food and so on.  Roll play how dolly can use his inside voice and go over rules for restaurant dining as well. 

After dinner time take dolly and your child to the family room.  Have them sit on the lounge.  Roll play with dolly using the words please and thank you in different situations.   Have your child add lib some scenes with dolly using good manners.  Encourage your child to show off all he knows about good manners.  It can actually be lots of fun to teach manners using kid’s toys.

Prevent Phone Interruptions using Kid’s Toys

It can be quite annoying when you’re on the phone and your child won’t stop yelling, “Mommy, Mommy!”   This can be prevented by simply creating a phone call kid’s toy box.  Simply get a box that can fit two or more toys and get some fun toys that offer lengthened play time.  These are toys like puzzles, blocks, pretend play figures, art supplies etc…  Place the toys in the box and tell your child that he can play with these toys only when you’re on the phone.  If he’s quiet the entire time then he can play till the call is over.  If he interrupts then the toys go back on the ledge.  Change the toys every few months to keep the fun alive during those calls.

If your child must interrupt because he has something important to say, then teach him the proper way to get your attention.  Show him how to come to you quietly and touch your arm or leg and wait for you to briefly excuse yourself from the call.  Talk with him about the importance of allowing you to have an interruption-free phone call.

When you begin using kid’s toys as rewards you’ll be amazed at how much fun it can be to teach your child about positive behavior without using negative consequences.  Doing this ensures that both parent and child get what they want and have fun at the same time.

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