
Preventing Yeast Infections – 4 Essential Steps

Many of you will have already experienced the sheer hell that having Candida can be and the hassle that treating it can become, fortunately preventing yeast infections from happening is really easy. Here are the four rules to remember when trying to prevent a yeast infection.

1. Do not suffocate your skin
As you are probably aware, yeast infections are caused by a fungus called Candida. This fungus loves places that are damp and where there is little fresh air. By wearing clothing that is either too tight or that does not breathe – like nylon, you are actually encouraging the fgungi to grow.

2. Cleanliness;
Paying really close attention to all those little areas and fold of skin that collect sweat and grime and that usually get a quick once over is a really simple way of preventing yeast infections. Make sure that you thoroughly wash and dry areas like under your arms, your toes, your genitals and even under your belly because these are are prime spots for fungi to gather.

Change out of dirty, sweaty and even wet clothing as soon as possible. Panty liners and sanitary pads should also be changed a few times a day to avoid the buildup of harmful bacteria.

3. Give the Good Bacteria a Hand
One of the most common ways that Candida becomes a problem is because there are not enough good bacteria available to control the bad guys. Things like overusing antibacterial soaps, anti-fungal creams or over using antibiotics can also have a really detrimental effect on the numbers of good bacteria within us.

4. Avoid Direct Contact
If you or someone close to you has a Candida problem then the first priority is to treat it, but after that you also have to think about preventing yeast infections elsewhere on your body. Containing the infection is absolutely vital as you not only put yourself at more risk, but you are also putting others at risk. The same principle applies when someone close to you has an infection. Be careful about transfer from bathmats, towels, clothing or cloths.

No matter how careful you are there is always the possibility that you will get a Candida outbreak anyway. Girls in particular find preventing yeast infections hard because their hormone levels alter so often. In these cases it is best to choose a program that will allow you to regain good health permanently using a natural approach.

Did you know that making simple changes to your diet can be a really effective way of preventing yeast infections? To learn more go to