
Some Good Reasons Why Your Child Bites

Just about every child has bitten someone, but whether or not they should be classified as a biter is another thing.  In daycares studies have proven that around half of the children have been bitten about three times a year.  So toddlers biting is in fact a very common thing.

Biting can come in different stages.  The first stage is when the teeth are erupting from the gums.  This is when your toddler will bite to make their gums feel better.  This should be done on a rattle or a teething ring.  If while breastfeeding your baby tries to bite, remove your baby and set them down in a safe spot.  When an infant gets a negative response from their mother they will soon stop biting. 

About the time that your toddler has their first birthday is when they have their second stage of biting.  They may bite to show their excitement.  At this time when your toddler tries to bit you should respond firmly every time and it should stop almost immediately. 

At the age of two year your toddler will probably start to bite again.  Your toddler bites at this time to show that they want to be independent.  When your toddler bites to prove that they are in control then you need to give the child a time out and explain that it hurts.  Teach your toddler commutation skills that they may be lacking.  When your toddler has the skills that are needed the biting should stop.

Be sure to watch your toddler closely if they are going through a biting phase.  It is best to acknowledge good behaviour.  It wouldn’t hurt to offer your toddler something to chew on at this stage either.  If you have caught your toddler biting the respond with a firm voice and place your toddler on a time out.

Another toddler related site worth looking at is Twin Strollers read there Twin Stroller Reviews

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