Fertility – How long does it take to get pregnant

One of the most frequently asked questions – how long does it take to get pregnant? – ultimately has no easy answer. Although statistics reflect that 85% of people conceive within 12 months of actively trying to become pregnant, there are several factors which determine the time.

The stats may provide us some answers. Generally speaking, every couple with no fertility problems and without using any birth control methods has a 20% chance of conceiving every month. If you use some of the available methods to predict ovulation, those chances improve to 30%. So even without any underlying problems, the chances are slim that you’ll get pregnant within the first few months of trying. The chances of getting pregnant within the first six months are 60% and within a year of trying the chances improve to a pretty promising 85%.

Couples dealing with potential fertility issues, however, may need more time and more assistance to conceive. For instance, having a previous diagnosis of polycystic ovaries, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis or any one of a number of other illnesses can decrease a female’s chances of getting pregnant quickly. Alas, the same thing applies to being overweight, leading an unhealthy lifestyle or subject to chronic stress. Some of these factors can be changed and some of them can’t but, regardless, it is important to give your best in trying everything you can to increase your odds of pregnancy.

If you were taking oral contraceptives before you decided to try getting pregnant, give your body time to recover and your ovaries time to start ovulating again. Although it can occasionally happen in a month, most women need two to three months to resume ovulation.

Whatever the reason may be for not getting pregnant immediately, there is one universal piece of advice from fertility experts worldwide – take it easy and don’t overreact by trying a ton of gadgets, calendars, technicalities and numerous tools for predicting ovulation. Having sex for pleasure is the only thing you need and making it all about getting pregnant makes things much worse on both a physical and emotional level. Being intimate around three times a week ensures fresh sperm will be in the right place as you ovulate. Don’t risk your love life and take the fun out of the pleasure and ultimate closeness that sex can provide with the man or woman you love.

In most cases, pregnancy will happen but if you’re feeling unsure about your reproductive health, or want to know why you aren’t getting pregnant, schedule a consult with your general practitioner or primary care physician or even your OB/GYN. They can recommend tests to run and help you determine any physical or hormonal reasons for your infertility. The general school of thought is to visit your doctor after a year of trying, and if you are over the age of 35, after six months of trying.

Natural methods of conception is the best and safest way to get pregnant and you should know what are the signs of ovulation? For more great tips on cervical mucus increase, please visit http://waystoconceiveababy.com.