
What Can A Woman with Back Pain During Pregnancy Do?

Being pregnant should be a thrilling and exciting time in a woman’s life. There is so much to do from picking a name, decorating your baby’s room, and enjoying all the showers and celebrations with family and friends. This time in your life is surely a time of eager anticipation. But unfortunately many women, especially as their pregnancy progresses, can begin to experience severe lower back pain.

This doesn’t just make it more difficult to do the basic daily tasks you need to do, but it can even hurt your quality of life and make your pregnancy something that is less joyful and cherished than it is supposed to be.

Of course you can figure out that the back pain is being caused by all the weight you’re gaining during your pregnancy. You’ll notice your belly start to pull you forward as it grows larger. You then instinctively lean your upper body backward more to keep your balance better. This posture will accentuate your curvature of your back and really place serious pressure on your lower back and hips.

That all sounds pretty accurate, but back pain during pregnancy has other causes too. Imbalanced muscles will result in back pain not just with pregnant women, but in most people in our society today as well.

When it comes to the health and strength of your back, the condition of your muscles is probably the most important consideration. Every time you move a joint or some part of your body, your muscles will normally move equally. As one muscle contracts, another one will stretch and loosen up. And the amount that these muscles contracts of stretches should be equal. If this isn’t happening then you will develop muscle imbalances.

As a pregnant woman, your growing belly will require that every move you make from walking (or waddling), sitting, sleeping, or bending over be adjusted and your muscles will need to shift to accommodate. Any muscle imbalances you have in your back will only become worse during your pregnancy.

These imbalances can cause even more of a load falling on your joints and bones. Your back consists of 24 different vertebrae. Under normal circumstances, you back and your pelvis are aligned to distribute the weight of your body evenly. However, if just one of your 24 vertebrae isn’t aligned properly, then your muscles will have to step in and do the extra work of carrying the weight. When this happens, back pain and back injury are much more likely for you.

The end result if this is what you’re going through is an excruciatingly painful pregnancy. It is sad that for many women with back pain their pregnancy becomes something so painful that it takes away from the joy and happiness that they normally feel.

If you found this article helpful and you’d like to learn more ways to get rid of the back pain and enjoy a happy pregnancy, check out: Sciatic Nerve During Pregnancy and Jesse Cannone Review.