
Smoking while pregnant – You can easily Give up smoking During Pregnancy with this Method

It is true that smoking in pregnancy is probably the most hazardous things an expecting mother can do. There are several ways smoking can hurt your baby both in pregnancy and after the delivery. From pre term birth and reduced birth weight to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) smoking cigarettes while pregnant runs from dangerous to downright fatal.

But just how can you be ready to quit smoking in pregnancy? For anyone who is pregnant and smoking is it too late? All things considered quitting cigarette smoking is hard to do and you just have nine months or less to get the job done. Some people take years and a number of attempts to eventually break the smoking habit. Just how can a pregnant woman expect to quit smoking quickly and easily?

The answer lies in selecting the best quitting smoking strategy. There are actually a couple of considerations that expecting mothers need to take into consideration when deciding on the best quit smoking method. The safety of their child will be the top priority so first they need to rule out choices that can harm their developing baby.

So that rules out quitting smoking medicines and nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs). Quit Smoking medicines typically are not appropriate for expectant women and NRTs feed nicotine into your body and this can cross on to the unborn infant. So these two options are not practical for ladies who are expecting.

You have to be sure you decide on a stop cigarette smoking process that is natural, simple to use, and succeeds fast. Precisely what are your options? You might quit cold turkey. This is a practical option and maybe you have adequate motivation and desire to quit smoking that you could quit on your own. Yet the fact remains that seeking to quit with no help will leave you with a small possibility of being successful. Giving up smoking cold turkey just has about a 5% rate of success so you ought to get outside assistance to quit smoking cigarettes.

The best longterm option is to use hypnotherapy to stop smoking in pregnancy. It fits every one of the criteria in the above list. And if you choose the best form of hypnotherapy you nearly ensure your chances. Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is a form of hypnotherapy that is designed for expecting mothers.

NLP is an all natural approach to help you quit smoking during pregnancy which is absolutely safe and sound. It is so convenient to use because with NLP you do not have to see a professional for hypnotherapy sessions. NLP uses today’s technology and all you have to do is listen to a exclusively prepared recording to have the urges to smoke cigarettes totally taken away.

NLP works extremely fast. A lot of people only have to listen to one session of an NLP stop smoking recording to have the yearnings to smoke cigarettes entirely and permanently removed. For a few other people it requires a couple of listens but they still meet with successful final results. Use NLP to quit smoking when pregnant. Neuro linguistic programming is the better choice to end smoking in pregnancy and give your child the best chance at a healthy beginning to life.