Are You an Over-Protective Parent?
You have surely certainly heard the term “helicopter parent” employed to refer to parents who “hover” over their children. Now, educators have begun to use the phrase “velcro parent” to allude to parents who “attach” themselves to their offspring .
Velcro parents, educators inform us, are far more harmful than helicopter parents because they are so involved in the lives of their teen children that they will not permit them to develop maturity and independence at anything like a normal speed .
Do you think you are a velcro parent ? Here is how you can tell .
1. Have you ever told a coach that your child should be getting more playing time or playing another position? Have you had a similar conversation with a band conductor, choir director, drama coach, debate coach, etc.?
2. Have you ever had a discussion with an employer you thought was treating your child harshly or unfairly?
3. Have you ever actually done (not just helped with) your child’s homework assignments or projects ?
4. Did you ever complete a paper or online college application for a son or daughter? Write his or her university application essay?
5. If you are present when an authority figure asks your teenage son or daughter a question, might you answer it?
6. All parents want input into their childrens’ college choices, while others want to actually make the decision . Are you one of the latter?
7. Will you only pay for college if your child majors in a field of which you approve ?
Almost all parents will have one “yes” answer . Two “yes” answers probably puts you in the helicopter parent category. In excess of two affirmative responses leaves very little doubt that you are a velcro parent.
Parenting is a difficult undertaking for which most of us get minimum training. Every parent makes mistakes . The important thing is to continue to work as hard as possible to be the best possible parent.