Childhood Anxiety Disorders – What Parents Need to Know
Does your child seem more anxious than other kids? Do they sometimes seem overly shy and afraid? Are you concerned whether or not their fearful behavior is known for their age or if their developing a childhood anxiety disorder? Given the increasing frequency of childhood anxiety disorders, parental concern is reasonable. Here are some thoughts to try to help you sort things out.
As you know, some degree of anxiety is to be expected. Children typically go through several phases as they grow and mature. For example, toddlers and preschoolers normally become a little anxious when separated from their parent or other close caregiver. It’s also very common for children to be afraid of the dark at some point in timeSlightly older children may be afraid of the dark or of the possibility of monsters in the closet. Older children may worry about tests for their performance at school.
Learning how to deal with these and similar anxieties is a normal part of growing up. You’ve probably recognized other instances of normal, temporary anxiety that the child eventually manages well. As parents, part of our job is to help our children adapt and adjust normally.
Anxiety becomes the problem when a child response almost everything in a fearful way. It’s as if they’re in the process of developing a habit of approaching life from an anxious viewpoint. In point of fact, people who don’t learn how to successfully manage anxiety as a child often have problems throughout their life. On the positive side, children do respond well to appropriate help.
Sometimes professional help is advisable. But even when it is it’s important that the parent is part of the solution as well. No one can be a big your help or stronger support to a child than their loving, concerned parent.
You can learn the signs of a childhood anxiety disorder. You can also read reviews of child anxiety treatment programs available. The most important thing is that you do what you can to help your child.
An excellent program that you can trade about is The Anxiety Free Child Program. I’ve taken a look at myself and I think it’s well worth checking out. Any effort it takes to help your child will pay huge dividends in the quality of their life for years to come even into their adulthood.