
Eating Well During Pregnancy

There are a number of aches and pains that come with pregnancy. While in older days many doctors just brushed them aside and said that is part of pregnancy, now a days more and more doctors are recommending a well balanced diet to help. Take a look at a few pregnancy aliments that a good diet can help.

A common issue during pregnancy is tooth and gum problems. To help keep your teeth healthy and your baby’s teeth healthy, be sure you get enough calcium and vitamin C. Continue to keep some sugarless gum near you or chew on some nuts and cheese.

It is also not uncommon for many women to feel dizzy or lightheaded during pregnancy especially if they have gone to long without eating. This is why it is so important to eat through out the day and snack also. Keep your snacks as healthy as you can and stay away from junk food whenever you can. Junk foods might give you an energy but will certainly leave you and your baby feeling worse.. Keep yourself hydrated also. Snacking and drinking will help improve your blood sugar and make you stay hydrated that can help you deal with dizziness.

Sometime during your 2nd trimester, you might find yourself awakening in the middle of the night due to leg cramps. Leg cramps can occur from not getting enough calcium. Some say that the leg cramps implicate a shortage of magnesium while some say that dehydration can be the cause. Either way makes sure you are getting enough calcium and magnesium. If you suffer from leg cramps you might find it helpful to drink a glass of milk, or have a piece of cheese before you go to turn in to bed at night. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated also.

Another pain while pregnant is swelling. While severe swelling could be a sign of preeclampsia, there is a certain amount of swelling which is normal and healthy during pregnancy.; In fact more than 75 % of all pregnant women experience some sort of swelling. The most common cause is too much water retention. Avoiding salty foods and drinking extra water will help you keep the swelling to a bare minimum.

Pregnancy is also a time where your skin might taken on the appearance of a teenager getting ready to hit puberty. Some suffer from dry skin, which can be cured by making sure you drink plenty of fluids to improve moisture. If you have flakey skin, eat more omega-3 rich foods or seeds and nuts. There are some people who suffer from some skin discoloration and too much blotchiness could be a folic-acid deficiency. This is another reason why it is so important to make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamin.

Last but not least, we have all heard about the great head of hair some women are blessed with during pregnancy since hormones stop hair from falling out at its normal rate. There are some women though who find that their hair is less than stellar while pregnant. This could be due to the lack of vitamins which you might be getting. Through out pregnancy it’s important that you get enough vitamin A, B and C. Vitamin A could keep your hair and scalp healthy. Vitamin B will help with your hair growth and vitamin C is needed for strength. Make sure you are getting enough of this in your diet.

Maintaining a healthy diet throughout pregnancy doesn’t only ensure your chances of a healthy pregnancy however it will also help you avoid some of the more unpleasant aspects of pregnancy too.

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