
Estrogen Infertility And Its Effects

There are many factors that contribute to infertility and one of these is called estrogen infertility. Each one of the many hormones that play a role in reproduction and one of these is estrogen, much like testosterone for men. Symptoms that you lack estrogen can take the form of headaches, hot flashes, night sweats and also vaginal dryness. Also, it is important to note that low quantities of estrogen can cause infertility in various ways:

As estrogen directs the uterus to put up a lining to receive the zygote, even if every other process has gone well before that, if there is insufficient lining then the fertilized egg won’t implant in the uterus’s wall.

Estrogen stimulates the mucus that goes out of the cervix to make it less gelatinous and easier for the sperm to swim through for it to reach the ovum.

Having low estrogen could cause you not to ovulate.

To have higher levels of estrogen in relation to progesterone is also a leading cause of difficulties in conception. There is risk for estrogen dominance if you are not eating properly, under stress, obese or exposed to other sources of estrogen. This may be by means of hormone replacement therapy or through some environmental factors. This may also bring about estrogen infertility if you aren’t careful.

So how do you detect excessiveness in estrogen? You will be experiencing headaches, too much weight gain, nervousness, heart palpitations, irregular menstruation, depression and even digestive concerns. However the enumerated symptoms may also signal low estrogen levels, so it’s vital to get yourself checked every so often.

Significant note: having the appropriate concentration of estrogen is often needed for fertility. To have either high or low estrogen levels always result to the same thing: estrogen infertility. The good thing is that this can be prevented through medication and through good and proper supervision and it won’t hinder you from getting pregnant. There are also natural remedies that are useful. Home remedies such as tofu and yams are known for their estrogen value but not a lot of medical literature have been published regarding their benefits.

Indeed it is important from a medical point of view to diagnose and treat low estrogen levels since this may cause emotional and psychological problems from late puberty and also hampered fertility. When you have suspected an infertility problem, note some certain items such as cervical mucus changes. Taking note of your basal body temperature and noting the cervical position changes is needed as this information aids the early detection and treatment of fertility related problems..

As a conclusion, there can never be anything better to resolve the issue about estrogen infertility than knowing your body that well and being aware of the warning signs that are sent to you.

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