
Owning And Using Three-Wheel Strollers

Most people who see three wheel strollers like the Kolcraft Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller; believe it is simply an option for joggers.  While we recommend it for any jogger, there are actually several other benefits that come with them.  The steering is probably the most notable, especially if you’re used to using four-wheel strollers.  Add in the extras you need to carry along (diaper bag, etc.), and it could be considered a necessity.

Plus, when you use a three-wheel stroller like the Kolcraft Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller it can handle those uneven terrains.  In fact, it’s one of the main reasons why its nicknamed the “jogger’s stroller.”  If you use these kinds of strollers it’s a good idea to go over the manufacturer’s manual.  You should make sure it is designed and built for this type of use.  There is only one front wheel and then two larger wheels on the back.  The front wheel is setup to move in any direction, which is why it is on a swivel.  Just think of how wheelchairs use their front wheels.

The Kolcraft Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller also gives you the opportunity to change the baby seat.  We all know that babies cry, and when they can’t see you pushing the stroller they can go into a panic.  The ability to change the baby seat allows them to face you.  This way they will be in a calm state of mind and you will be able to enjoy your jogging or walking experience.

Keep in mind strollers such as the Kolcraft Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller II are often heavier, which means you need to be able to get it in and out of your vehicle. Typically, these types of strollers weight about 25 pounds or more, which is heavier than the newer lightweight options. Of course, if you intend to do a lot of walking or jogging outdoors, you need a heavy stroller that can take the uneven terrain while keeping your baby comfortable and safe.

Strollers such as the Kolcraft Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller II gives parents more options when it comes to being outdoors because they come equipped with a top to keep your baby out of the direct sun, so you can remain outdoors enjoying a jog or brisk walk whenever you choose.

There are tons of strollers for parents to choose from, but if you spend a lot of time outdoors, the best option is three-wheel stroller because it is much easier to maneuver when you plan to jog or take a brisk walk on uneven terrain.