
Turning Your Daughter Into A Better Student

Most parents want their kids to be better students, and by that we usually mean for them to get better grades.  So how can you help your child do better in school?  Well for one, you want to be able to effectively talk with their teacher .  Knowing your kid’s teacher and how to talk with her will definitely position your child academic achievement and better grades .   Here are some ideas to do just that.

Team Up For Success   – Let the teacher know that you want to be a partner in your child’s achievement .  Ask them for tips on what you can do to help ensure your kid gets better grades.

– Meet with the teacher – As soon as possible arrange an appointment with the teacher – you might even want to schedule this before the school year starts so the teacher is not swamped.  Even a quick offer of a cup of coffee to meet and talk over the teacher’s educational approachwill make you a fast friend.  This way, as the school year progresses if any problems do arise, then you next meeting with your child’s teacher will be all the easier.

Get Involved – Teachers eagerly accept help in the classroom.  Ask your child’s teacher if there is anything you can do to help – from being a guest reader in the classroom to helping to organize a special event .

Stay Organized Many schools and teachers – especially of younger kids use some sort of notebook, real or virtual, to talk with parents .  This could be in the form of online messages, or a notebook or folder sent home once a week with notices, announcements and other things you need to be aware of. Find out what the procedure is for your child’s class and make sure you stay on top of school announcements .

Be a Communicator – Sometimes better grades can be sabotaged by events outside of school –like issues within your family or community.  If you know of a situation , like a family member’s death or relationship issues at home, you might want to inform your tween’s teacher about it.  If your child’s grades are slumping or he’s acting out in class, the teacher will appreciate having some idea as to the root cause .

As a parent, you are your daughter’s chief advocate for being a better student and getting better grades.  Having a good relationship with your kid’s teacher is an important first step in ensuring your child’s academic success .

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