
Various Fertility Tests for Women

If you think that fertility tests are only for women who are nearing their forties, then you are terribly mistaken. As a matter of fact, recent studies revealed that the age group of women who take the fertility tests are getting lower by the day.  If years back those who were taking fertility tests for women were at least 35 years old, you will be surprised to find out that there are women seeking fertility tests these days as young as 24 years old.

 For some reason, the number of 20-something women applying for reproductive assistance have doubled just in the last couple of years based on the National Survey of Family Growth. Reproductive assistance aims to provide women information about when to have sex, how to do it “effectively”, up to what not to eat in order to increase your odds of getting pregnant.

To most experts, it is absolutely normal for younger women to feel alarmed and to feel a sudden concern about their reproductive health. Whether you like it or not, age still is the biggest determinant of fertility. It will not matter how much you take care of yourself, ovarian aging will not slow down regardless of what you do. And this may perhaps be why more and more women nowadays are panicking about their biological clocks.

If you think that you’re in your reproductive peak and that you are ready to have a baby, there are a number of fertility tests for women that can be done to evaluate your fertility. Some tests will not even require you to go to the hospital or to the clinic because there are already a wide range of fertility tests for women that you can do yourself at home. However, there are other fertility tests that need to be carried out by a physician or a fertility specialist.

Here are some of the fertility tests for women that you can do at home:

 •           Basal Body Temperature Test or BBT Test

 This particular fertility test works by taking your temperature first thing every day when you get up everyday and before going to bed, every night. The rationale behind this test is the natural rise in the female body temperature when you’re ovulating. Keeping track of your body temperature for a few months will give you a slight notion of your ovulation trend. Such BBT thermometers are ready for use and you can easily buy them from any drugstore.

•           Ovulation Predictor Test

The same as how a disposable pregnancy test works, you urinate on the ovulation predictor stick in order to measure the level of lutenizing hormone (LH) in your urine. The LH hormone in the female body increases once the woman is ovulating, hence revealing when you are going to ovulate. A number of women would like to undergo the ovulation predictor test due to its convenience and ease of use.

•           FSH Test

The FSH test is quite a unique test because it can evaluate your egg supply. It can tell whether you have high degrees of follicle stimulating hormone, a usual sign that a woman is ovulating. This test is also quite simple to do, and can be done during the third day of your cycle using FSH test strips.